If you are unable to make payments on our website, please try the following steps:
- Payment attempts may have been rejected by your bank (e.g. wrong CVC/CVV). In this case, contact your Bank to check if this has happened, as the Bank can help you, releasing your card, so you can try again;
- Make sure you have used a payment method accepted by our e-shop;
- Make sure you have entered your delivery address correctly (filling each field, they will turn green);
- Update your browser tab, without confirming again your order.
If none of the above is the case, try placing your order on another browser or delete the cookies from your browser and try again.
If you see a message saying that your items are no longer available, so you cannot placing your order because one or more products were sold out while you were visiting the e-shop. Check your Cart and remove out of stock items.
For further assistance in the matter, please contact our Support Team.